The current Corona rules for Berlin as of 4th June, 2021

Life comes back – Restaurants, Theaters, Cinemas, Fitness Studios reopen – with rules and restrictions!

In consideration of decreased Corona numbers, the restrictions will be significantly relaxed. Inside, six people from three households are now allowed to meet; outside, ten people from five households. Children under 14 are not counted.

Frühstück im Palace

Shopping as well as having a drink or a meal in restaurants and pubs outside is now possible without a Corona test.

People limits for events and private parties are increased. Up to 100 people are allowed inside. Alcohol may be sold until midnight, an hour longer than last. Indoor restaurants also now open, but tests are required there.

If Corona numbers continue to fall, testing requirements will be dropped here as well. Many operators were now still bringing back staff from short-time work or even hiring people again.

From June 11th, tourists will again be allowed to come to the city and stay in hotels. At this date AirBnB and similar are to be allowed again.

The Senate is also responding to the fact that more and more people are vaccinated. 43.3 percent have received the first vaccination, and 19 percent are fully vaccinated. However, the pandemic has not yet been defeated, it said. The principle must apply: Out is better than in.

Happy to work again! Chef Vincenzo “Enzo”Broszio of the NoName

However, cinemas, theaters, opera houses and concert halls can now reopen with mandatory testing and a hygiene concept. Outdoor sports without number restrictions are also possible again, provided participants can present negative Corona tests. Fitness, sports and dance studios open with appointment and mandatory testing.

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