When you see a photo like this, you really get hungry for a hamburger with fries. We ordered the Kreuzburger with bacon.

“Since 1999 Kreuzburger has paid a lot of attention to the quality and freshness of the individual components of the burger and has since then a strong influence on the Berlin burger scene through its experience and the constantly growing range of products.Whether vegetarian, meat lover or spicy fanatic, everyone gets his or her taste with us,” the small Berlin chain advertises its burgers.
We visited the store around the corner at our place, in Knesebeckstrasse. One sits charmingly outside on wooden benches or tables and chairs, which have not been cleaned for a long time and were partly shat on by birds. At our request they wiped over the table once.
The stuff is not cheap. I paid 29,70 € for 3 hamburger and 2 fries, 2 coke. Of course I ordered organic meat and asked for Medium to be fried and my fries to be a bit crispier.
Strangely enough, there was no receipt.
The hamburger looks great. It’s very well stuffed with vegetables. The bun is excellent and apparently really homemade. Because they are of very different colours. That was the good news!

Kreuzburger BIO meat, cooked to death
The bacon is flabby and not crispy and the meat is sad: instead of medium well done fried, without juice and strength. The mince itself is very fine, as you know it from factory meatballs.
Funnily enough, the meat in my wife’s burger was partly medium, partly well done. Very badly fried, but at least juicy. But her fries were completely salted. Inedible.
Why didn’t we complain? We are tired of discussions and you could eat the burgers. They were just not good. Which is a pity, because they could have been good if the employees would have been better trained and made more effort.
We would be happy to receive tips on where to find good hamburgers in City West!