Covid19 – Rules for the next two weeks

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The Federal Chancellor and the Heads of Government of the Federal States take the following decision:

Only home delivery and pick up is allowed

The rapid spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in Germany in recent days is worrying. We must do everything possible to prevent an uncontrolled increase in the number of cases and to keep our health system efficient. Reducing the number of contacts is crucial for this.

The Federal Government and the Federal States agree on an extension of the guidelines on the restriction of social contacts adopted on 12 March:

  1. all citizens are urged to reduce contacts with people outside the members of their own households to an absolute minimum.
  2. in public, wherever possible, a minimum distance of at least 1.5 m must be maintained from persons other than those mentioned under I.
  3. the stay in public space is only permitted a) alone,
    b) with another person not living in the household or
    c) with members of the own household.
  4. the way to work, emergency care, shopping, visits to the doctor, participation in meetings, necessary appointments and examinations, help for other or individual sports and exercise in the fresh air as well as other necessary activities remain possible.
  5. groups of people celebrating in public places, in apartments as well as private facilities are unacceptable in view of the serious situation in our country. Violations of the contact restrictions should be monitored by the regulatory authorities and the police and sanctions should be imposed in case of violations.
  6. all catering establishments will be closed. This does not include the delivery services or pick up orders for eating at home.
  7. personal hygiene service providers such as hairdressers, beauty salons, massage parlours, tattoo studios and similar establishments will be closed, as physical proximity is essential in this field. Medically necessary treatments remain possible.
  8. In all establishments, and especially those open to the public, it is important to comply with hygiene regulations and implement effective protective measures for employees and visitors.
  9. these rules shall be valid for at least two weeks

The Federal Government and the Federal States will cooperate closely in implementing these restrictions and assessing their effectiveness. Further regulations based on regional peculiarities or epidemiological situations in the Länder or districts remain possible.

The Federal Government and the MPs of the Federal States are aware that these are very drastic measures. However, they are necessary and they are proportionate with regard to the legal interest of public health to be protected.

The Federal Chancellor and the MP of the Federal states governments would like to thank in particular those working in the health system, in the public service and in the industries that maintain daily life, as well as all citizens for their sense of responsibility and their willingness to abide by these rules in order to further slow down the spread of the coronavirus.

Sunday, 22 March 2020
Press and Information Office of the Federal Government (BPA)

This is a not authorized translation by

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